A heat pump offers an energy-efficient alternative to furnaces and air conditioners for climates with moderate day-to-day heating and cooling needs. It’s also incredibly dependable, cost-effective and long-lasting, making it a high-performance piece of equipment that’s become the standard in modern green homes. In fact, heat pumps make up a large percentage of comfort systems in use across California as the state pushes for clean energy.
Does Your Home Bring In Enough Fresh Air?
Indoor air can get stale during both the warmer and the colder months, which can be both uncomfortable and unhealthy. That’s why you should introduce fresh air into your home frequently so you and your family can breathe a little easier. But how can you ensure your home is getting enough of it? And better yet, how much fresh air does your home need? Albert Air Inc., your local source of top-notch HVAC products like Carrier evaporator coils and thermostats, explains more below.
Understanding Furnaces and Heat Pumps
Heat pumps and gas furnaces can both heat your home, but they function very differently. If you want to know which heating system is the best option for your home, then you need to learn about the pros and cons of each. In today’s post, Albert Air Inc., the number one choice for heating and air conditioning service in our area, explains everything you need to know about furnaces and heat pumps…. Continue Reading
How to Find the Right Dehumidifier for Your Space
Choosing the right dehumidifier for your space can be challenging. You have to consider various factors before choosing a unit, such as capacity, placement, cost and consumer need.