If you want to cool your home efficiently, you’ll need to control your HVAC system without driving up your monthly utility bill. You’re not likely to achieve this with the thermostat you currently have installed, even if you have a digital or programmable one. The best chance you have of doing this is with an ecobee SmartThermostat. Here our HVAC and Carrier® evaporator coil technicians at Albert Air explain how installing one in your home can be worth the investment.
Follow These HVAC Maintenance Tips If You Have Pets at Home
As a pet owner, are you aware that pets can sometimes cause allergens and require extra cleaning? These can present serious disadvantages for some of your family members, especially if they happen to have asthma and allergies. It can also affect your HVAC system in the long run.
6 Ways to Tell You Have Indoor Air Quality Issues
Along with prioritizing the aesthetics and energy efficiency of your home, you should also maintain the health, comfort and safety of its occupants. Improving indoor air quality (IAQ) is one easy and effective way to achieve this. Indoor air quality, as its name implies, refers to the quality of air inside a home or building. The bad news, however, is that IAQ can be affected by a number of factors that can result in health issues. The first step in understanding and improving indoor air quality is learning how to identify possible problems. A trusted heating and air conditioning service company in the area, Albert Air Inc., shares what you need to know below:
Closing Air Vents: Does It Actually Help You Save on Heating?
Maintaining a warm, comfortable home while keeping heating costs to a minimum is every homeowner’s priority during the winter. There are a couple of ways to achieve this, but one that’s often talked about is closing the vents in unused rooms in order to increase thermal comfort in the others. But is this actually a good idea? A trusted source of high-quality Carrier® evaporator coils, Albert Air Inc., answers this question here.
What You Should Know About Wet Air Filters
To keep the air inside your home safer and cleaner, you’ll want to make sure the air filter of your HVAC system is replaced at least once every month. This is a simple enough task for homeowners, but what if the air filter you’re replacing is damp or moist to the touch? Is this something you need to be worried about? The premier air conditioning service company in the area, Albert Air Inc., answers this question here.