With the proper care and maintenance of your HVAC system, you’ll reduce the risk of seasonal allergies being circulated in your home. If not cleaned regularly, your system will trigger more allergens such as mold and mildew, which can have an impact on the health of you and your family. However, mold and mildew aren’t the only types of seasonal allergies you should be aware of. Our HVAC repair team at Albert Air explains some of the other common types of allergies and how you can deal with them here:
Why Is Correct Duct Size Important?
As most homeowners already know, HVAC units installed in homes are chiefly responsible for cooling and heating the house as the weather or outdoor temperature demands. However, the unit alone doesn’t determine how efficiently it will function all-year-round. There’s an array of important factors that play a role in determining functionality, and one of them is the size of the ductwork. You’re probably wondering how duct size can be so influential if the ducts simply expel air. In this article, our air conditioning service experts at Albert Air Inc. explain the reasons behind the importance of proper duct sizing, plus the different factors that come into play when sizing HVAC ducts.
How iWave Air Purifiers Work
From pathogens such as mold, viruses and bacteria to pollutants, dust, dander and smoke, a lot of substances harmful to health can become suspended in your indoor air. Installing an iWave air purifier in your air conditioning system can help clean the air you breathe and create a safer home for its residents. In this article, Albert Air Inc. — a provider of air purification systems and Carrier evaporator coil products — discusses how iWave air purifiers by Nu-Calgon work, along with their advantages.
Choosing Your HVAC Contractor: 3 Red Flags to Watch Out For
Looking for the right technician to resolve day-to-day HVAC issues in your home can be quite challenging. It’s important to conduct research and be extra vigilant to avoid creating larger, more costly problems that can threaten the safety of residents, the condition of your property and your bank balance. In this article, a top-rated heating and air conditioning service provider reveals three red flags you need to watch out for when searching for an HVAC contractor.
HVAC Preventive Maintenance Plans & Their Benefits
With spring newly arrived, it’s important to make sure that your HVAC system will keep you cool despite the rising temperatures that come with the season. Whether in your home or on a commercial property, it’s important that your HVAC system is maintained by a trusted heating and air conditioning service technician in order to keep the inhabitants comfortable and healthy.