Indoor air quality (IAQ) impacts everyone, from residents enjoying the comfort of their homes to workers enduring long hours inside commercial buildings. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about what constitutes good IAQ and how to achieve and maintain it. In this article, we debunk six prevalent myths about IAQ so you can start working toward a healthier indoor environment.

1. Believing That Indoor Air Is Cleaner Than Outdoor Air
Contrary to popular belief, indoor air isn’t always cleaner or safer than outdoor air. Outdoor pollutants have more space to dissipate, which doesn’t happen as readily indoors. In indoor spaces, high levels of contaminants can accumulate due to a lack of ventilation. Since the use of HVAC systems is year-round, ensuring proper circulation and filtration of indoor air is crucial.
2. Using Air Fresheners
Many assume that using air fresheners improves indoor air quality. However, these products don’t purify the air. They merely mask odors and potentially introduce harmful chemicals into the indoor environment. Consider alternatives like natural fragrances or, more effectively, air purifiers. The latter can actually remove pollutants from your indoor air.
3. Overestimating HVAC Filters
Another widespread myth is the overestimation of the capabilities of HVAC filters. While essential for maintaining IAQ, they need regular maintenance to remain effective. Filters capture dust and other air particles, but they can’t do their job properly unless they’re cleaned or replaced regularly.
4. Misunderstanding the “Green” Label
Products labeled as “green” or “eco-friendly” can still contain harmful chemicals affecting IAQ. Thoroughly read product labels and opt for items certified by reputable health and environmental organizations. This also extends to “green” cleaning products, which might not be as harmless as they appear.
5. Overlooking the Limitation of Air Purifiers
Maintaining clean air indoors isn’t just about using air purifiers. While helpful, these devices can’t eliminate all pollutants and work best alongside proper ventilation. Keep a balanced use of air purifiers and natural ventilation to ensure a healthy living space.
6. Underestimating the Health Impact of IAQ
Perhaps the most harmful myth is underestimating the impact of poor indoor air quality on health. Studies link bad IAQ to various health issues, from respiratory conditions to serious diseases like stroke. Recognizing the importance of good IAQ is often the first step to safeguarding your health and well-being.
Albert Air Inc. offers a comprehensive approach and customized solutions to improve IAQ in your spaces. Call us at (714) 526-6368 or visit our contact page to schedule a consultation.