Anyone with pets understands how difficult it is to maintain good indoor air quality. Pets bring joy and companionship, but can also contribute to indoor air pollution through floating dander and unpleasant odors. Addressing these issues is crucial for a clean, healthy living environment for both humans and pets. Read on as Albert Air Inc. shares three indoor air quality tips for households with pets.

1. Regular Cleaning and Grooming
Pet dander – tiny flakes of skin that pets shed – is a common cause of allergies and can degrade indoor air quality. Regularly vacuuming carpets and washing beddings will effectively control the level of pet dander. Additionally, bathing and brushing your pet will significantly reduce the amount of dander they shed.
2. Control Pet Odors
Pets can also contribute to a home’s odor profile. Regular cleaning can help control these odors. This includes washing pet bedding regularly, cleaning litter boxes promptly and using pet-friendly, odor-neutralizing cleaning products. Furthermore, ensure your home is well-ventilated to disperse and dilute pet odors.
3. Optimize HVAC Efficiency
Your HVAC system plays a vital role in managing indoor air quality. Regularly cleaning or changing HVAC filters helps in effectively capturing pet dander and other pollutants, preventing them from circulating in your home. Additionally, regular HVAC maintenance ensures the system operates efficiently, contributing to cleaner air and greater energy efficiency. Consider upgrades such as air purifiers or specialized filters to trap pet dander for enhanced air quality.
Managing pet dander through regular cleaning and grooming, controlling pet odors and optimizing your HVAC system are key to maintaining good indoor air quality in households with pets. The experienced team at Albert Air Inc. are always ready to help homeowners keep indoor air quality at a high level with our expert services and solutions. Call us at (714) 526-6368 or fill out this contact form to reach us.