Under normal operating conditions, HVAC systems are virtually invisible, silently keeping your home comfortable all year round. Considering that the ductwork doesn’t have moving components, noises like creaking and banging sounds can be worrisome. In today’s post, Albert Air Inc. takes a look at what makes HVAC air ducts noisy, and what can be done to fix them.

Common Causes of Noisy Air Ducts
Noise from the air ducts can cause mild annoyance to severe disruption — and sometimes an indicator of a problem that will need to be addressed by an HVAC professional.
If your home has air ducts made of sheet metal, you may already be familiar with the noises when you turn on your heater or air conditioner for the season. These cracking and popping sounds are due to thermal expansion and contraction caused by changes in temperature. They should cease as soon as the metal in the air ducts have acclimated to your indoor temperature settings, but can be persistent at times.
If you hear whistling or rattling noises, the air ducts may have cracks or punctures that may have been caused by damage, corrosion or improper installation. The differences in air pressure force air through the gaps, resulting in whistling. Loose components may be rattled by the airflow, which explains the rattling noises.
How to Fix Noisy Air Ducts
There are a few things that you, as a homeowner, can do to eliminate noise in your air ducts, or at least reduce them. If you are getting new air ducts, consider choosing air ducts made of flexible tubing instead of ones made from traditional sheet metal. When installed by a skilled HVAC professional, there are virtually no chances of having to worry about noisy air ducts in your home.
If you are already hearing whistling or rattling noises, try to locate the source. Small to medium-sized cracks or gaps can be sealed with duct tape. However, if the problem is widespread or too severe, have your air ducts fixed by an HVAC professional who offers sealing services.
If your air conditioners are due to be replaced, consider a ductless air conditioner for every room. Learn more about its benefits or our other HVAC services by giving Albert Air Inc. a call at (714) 526-6368. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.