How Can Lawn Care Affect Your Outdoor HVAC Units?

Caring for your lawn is about more than just maintaining the beauty of your property. Proper lawn maintenance can also help keep your home in good shape. For instance, trimming the trees surrounding your home can help protect your roof from damage.


Moreover, what you do and don’t do to your yard can also have an impact on your outdoor HVAC units. Find out how lawn care affects your outdoor HVAC equipment from a local air conditioning service provider.

Damage to Fan Blades

The fan inside your outdoor air conditioning unit helps pump air through the system to keep your interior cool. These fan blades must be able to spin properly without encountering obstructions. They can get damaged when branches or twigs hit the exterior unit.

The blades won’t spin if they become bent or if a massive piece of debris gets stuck in the fan. When this happens, your air conditioner will stop working. In some cases, this problem can be addressed just by removing the debris. However, a major repair or a complete replacement of the unit may also be necessary. To find a local HVAC company, you can go online and search “air conditioning repair near me.” Before hiring a contractor, make sure to do your research, read reviews and ask for referrals.

Limited Air Intake

Proper air circulation is essential in keeping the air inside your home comfortable and cool. Failing to properly maintain your yard can cause tall grass and debris to limit your HVAC unit’s air intake and prevent it from properly cooling your indoor air. You can prevent this problem by keeping your lawn trimmed and stopping bushes from growing near your HVAC equipment.

In the fall, get rid of any twigs, fallen leaves and other debris that may have landed on or around your exterior unit. Keeping the area around your unit clean can help ensure that your air conditioner runs smoothly. When your unit struggles to circulate air, it can wear down faster.

Shifting Concrete

Proper yard maintenance should also include keeping track of the state of the concrete around your house. Exterior units are typically located on a concrete slab, so you’ll need to make sure that this slab doesn’t get damaged or start to move. In certain cases, improper watering or poor yard care can cause a concrete slab to shift.

Shifting concrete can cause major damage to your HVAC unit. Contact a local concrete expert as soon as you start to notice problems with the concrete slab beneath your exterior unit. They may perform repairs to the concrete or replace it to protect your unit from damage.

Protect Your Outdoor HVAC Units

Inspect your exterior HVAC equipment at least twice a month and get rid of any loose vegetation or debris. Don’t let standing vegetation grow within two feet of the equipment. Maintaining this distance will allow your unit to pull in the air it needs to control the indoor temperature.

Regularly maintaining your HVAC system can help ensure your year-round comfort. It pays to invest in a skilled contractor for your system’s routine maintenance. Experienced HVAC professionals can spot minor issues before they turn into big problems. In addition, keeping your HVAC system in good condition by hiring a professional can help protect your warranty. Proper HVAC maintenance can also help you save on energy bills, avoid costly repair bills,and extend the lifespan of your equipment.

For superior residential and commercial HVAC solutions, turn to Albert Air. You can count on us for your HVAC repair, installation and maintenance. Call us at (714) 526-6368 or fill out our contact form to schedule an in-home consultation or get a free no-obligation quote.