Refrigerant is a compound that absorbs heat from the environment and converts it into cool air by running it through compressors and evaporators. For your air conditioning system to function, it needs to maintain the correct refrigerant charge or ice can build up in the system.

It is easy to determine if your air conditioner needs a recharge. An HVAC repair technician says to look for these three signs.
- Obvious Leaks: A telltale sign your cooling system needs a boost is leaks. Check the surrounding of your equipment for any evidence of greasy film. As soon as you confirm the presence of a leak, let a technician look at it. Make sure that leaks are sealed off before recharging. Doing this will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.
- Reduced Cooling: If there are no visible leaks, take note if your unit is showing a loss of cooling capacity. The refrigerant ensures that the air your system is blowing into your home is cold. When it is low and in need of a recharge, there will be a noticeable, reduced cooling effect. According to air conditioning service experts, the refrigerant must be maintain an optimal level to keep the air circulation at peak performance.
- Hissing Sound: Are you hearing a faint hissing or bubbling sound that is clearly coming from your air conditioning system? This could be a sign that Freon is leaking out in some areas of your equipment. Contact a professional before things go sideways and serious damage occurs.
If you are looking for “air conditioning repair near me,” look no further than Albert Air Inc. Our team always ensures our customers get the results they deserve by providing top-notch products and services. Call (714) 526-6368 or fill out our contact form to get started.